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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Small Stash of Stash Tea

Stash Tea Sample Flavors
 I recently wrote Stash Tea and asked for a sample of their flavors in return for a review on this blog.. A short while later I received an envelope with four different tea bags. A White Chocolate Mocha Black tea, Wild Raspberry Hibiscus (Caffeine free) Herbal tea, Jasmine Blossom Green tea and a Spice Dragon Red Chai tea (also a Caffeine free Herbal tea).

White Chocolate Mocha
A yummy treat mid day 

Surprisingly the White Chocolate tea was opened and in boiling water before I could take a picture. It was as yummy as it sounds.

I had it mid day with jam on toast, and fulfilled my sweet tooth.   I don't know if I could drink it all day everyday, because I love my coffee and plain teas as well, But it is a definite treat and I'm sure would be a daily drinker for many people.

Loved this Flavor to Accompany
My Stir Fry and Rice meals.
Next I tried the Jasmine Green Tea with an Asian style homemade stir fry, because YES, I do prefer to drink teas with similar foods in my mind.  I am not big on jasmine flavors.  I've thrown away jasmine rice and scents before.   I did enjoy this tea though.  

It was a compliment to the food, and took me back to the many dinners where I requested hot GREEN tea instead of plain hot tea at Chinese restaurants.  Also of the few cups of tea I enjoyed during my trip to Korea and Japan.   

 Then I tried the Wild Raspberry Hibiscus Herbal tea, which was also caffeine free.  This.. I was sadly not happy with.  I was crazy hopeful because I love raspberries, but to me it was too tart and somehow had a sharp taste.  I don't know if it was the lemongrass or Hibiscus but something in the flavor was off for me.

Then Spice Dragon Red Chai.  We normally drink the plain Chai when we want something a little spicier then plain hot tea.  I was not disappointed with this variation.  Still tasted like a yummy spiced tea and was smooth in flavor. The scent alone was enough to make me think, 'Mmmmm yummy.'  Even without the Cardamon and other ingredients of plain Chai, this herbal Chai does an amazing job of capturing the flavor.

Overall, with all four of the random flavors I probably would have bought them myself.  Even though I would not have finished the Raspberry herbal, the other three flavors would have been drank to the last teabag.  I would have also gone back for more.

In this house, the Stash Tea Co is... Our cup of Tea.
Sorry, I had to do it at least once :)

Good Points
  •  Great company, with easy online ordering.
  •  Great tasting tea, in the flavors we liked.
  •  Wide variety of flavors and bag/loose leaf choices.
  •  Competitive and affordable prices with other teabag companies.

Cons or could not review
  • Hibiscus Raspberry flavor was a let down, which saddened me.  Really was excited to find a raspberry tea.
  • I only tried Teabags, so I could not review their Loose leaf tea.
  • I brew my tea properly with boiling water over the bag, so I cannot say how any microwaving or boiling with bag in water may effect the taste.
In our opinion,

Would You buy this?    Yes, I think so.  Most tea drinkers, if they aren't ectremely loyal to their own brand, would be interested in the different flavors available.  However I don't know how many would go online and find out all that are available.

SHOULD You buy this?   If you like tea, YES!  A good price tea, nice flavor and great selection.

So overall we give Stash Tea a GREEN LIGHT.  Even if you don't like tea, but want to have some sitting on a shelf for guests, this is a good tasting tea that will please.  

Please check out our Sister review blogs for more products and opinions.
There is also a list of my profiles over there if you would like to know me better

NEXT REVIEW:  Purely Great Natural Deoderant

Upcoming reviews:  Hempz Body Lotions, Jif almond Butter and Art Naturals Lush eyebrow and lash enhancer.

Friday, December 18, 2015

An Honest review of Honest Co Multipowder

 The Honest Co. is already a known COMPANY in many homes with children....or Jessica Alba fans.... But the individual products are still questionable to the every day Mom.

I have children and step children in the range of a 1 year old son to a 14 year old daughter.  So I have experience with many different scenarios and products in my home, including an under weight child, a Pediasure diet, allergies, a thyroid issue causing weight gain and picky, I mean PICKY eaters.

I was offered a free box of The Honest Co. Multipacks for Baby and Toddler.  The box contains 30 individual mixin packets of premium multi-vitamins.  Made in small batches, free of most allergens and ready to be mixed into liquid or food, cool not hot.  Since my toddler is off his Pediasure diet, but is still a very picky eater, I thought this would be a great thing to try and help.  I've read reviews saying almost anemic kids were helped with this and some other picky eaters liked it, so I was hopeful.  We broke open the box earlier this week, and here is our review.

 First, just to see, I mixed a packet with a cup of milk.  No added flavor.  My picky 2 year old took two big swallows and put the cup down with his eyebrows crunched together and shook his head.  His delicate palette knew right away something was in his milk.

One thing he does eat, all the time no matter what, is cereal.  So I used milk with a packet mixed in for his cereal.  He ate the whole bowl with no problem.   For a two year old he's supposed to get two packets a day.  I mixed a packet with juice later, and at first he was iffy about drinking it.  However after some more playing and getting thirsty, he finished his cup.

We tried it next as a mix-in on some dry food.  A trail mix type snack, he ate part of his snack then ran off.  He doesn't always finish so that may have just been him being done.  However when I offered him the bowl again, he took a handful and threw it on the floor.  GRRR Toddlers, but he was not going to eat another bite.

Now the 1 year old is not a picky eater.  In fact the only thing he hasn't liked so far was peeled raisins from his snack.  I gave him a cup of milk with a packet mixed in and he drank it no problem.  He also tried some of the dry snack, but he wasn't hungry so he only had a few pieces.  We are going to try mixing a packet into his oatmeal in the morning, but I'm sure he'll eat it just fine.  As I've said, HE's not picky.

I smelled the packets, and there is a strong scent so maybe the flavor is too strong for my picky eater.  I won't know though, because I did not taste the packet myself.  (Because I am also picky and don't like milk and didn't think it would be good in water.  Also because I don't know if we'll be getting these again and want to save them for the boys.)

A quick search on Google shopping brought up the prices for different sites where you can buy this same box.  All of them were just below or at $30.  The Honest Co. page for this was also $29.95.   BEFORE Tax and S/H...

We were lucky enough to get a prescription for the Pediasure, otherwise it would have been anywhere from $10-$13 for 6 bottles.  He was supposed to drink one a day, so it would have been about $60-$65 a month for those if we had to buy.  At $30 a box, and toddlers needing two packets a day, it will be about equal at $60 a month for the Honest Co. Multipacks.  However I don't think you will be able to find a way to get a prescription for these packets, so it will be out of pocket.

So on the good side...
  • The Honest Co. vitamin packets do offer you actual veggies, superfoods and probiotics.  
  • Individual packets that can be mixed into anything and small enough to go anywhere, even fast food soda while your out of the house.  Making it easier to sneak the vitamins into everyday.  Especially if your picky kid hates pills and won't chew gummies.
  • Free of Gluten, Soy, Yeast, Wheat, Casein, Gelatin, Sodium, Dairy, Eggs Shellfish AND without HFCS, Starch, Dyes, Preservatives or Artificial flavors.  Honest Co. vitamins are appealing to those with allergies, prefer organic or just don't like over processed foods.
  • Less likely for kids to get a sweet tooth then Pediasure and can be mixed into a drink they already like.

What you may not like...

  • Since you can't get a prescription, price may be an issue.  At $60 a month for toddlers, $30 a month for infants 6-12 months, you may prefer a cheaper vitamin if you aren't organic and allergen wary.
  • Strong scent and taste may put off the really sensitive taste buds of a super picky eater.
  • There is Iron in these, like almost all vitamins, so make sure you keep an eye on your childs iron intake to avoid overdose.

As with any vitamin, watch your child for reactions and inform your doctor your intent to introduce them.

Now, Would You Buy This?
 With the trend of organic and allergen free foods going strong, I think a good number of Mom's would buy this.  Having a Jessica Alba product is also a strong pull for many and may persuade someone on the fence to buy instead of pass.

Should You Buy This?  
 Honestly.... :)  This one will have to be a personal decision.  I do not know your individual child's needs or personality.  If you can afford it no problem, and your child is in need of an extra fruit, veggie and vitamin boost.  Yes, try a box at least.  See if it's for you and your family.  If your tight on funds, your child will eat chewables or gummies and you aren't as concerned with organic or allergens... then maybe you should pass.

We give these a Yellow Light.   It all comes down to your families food preferences and budget.   If you can afford that much a month, then these are a great match for you!  If a bottle of Flintstones is fine with your morals and easier on your pocketbook, then stick with what works for you.  

I like them, and we will see how it goes over the rest of the month.  But for us, with two kids, it would be a $90 a month buy because we'd need three boxes a month.  Looking at it that way, we would either give them less, or maybe switch to a cheaper vitamin.  We'll see how the picky eater does, maybe these will work for one but not the other.

Please check out our Sister review blogs for more products and opinions.  There is also a list of my profiles on the right over there if you would like to know more about me.

NEXT REVIEW: Stash Tea flavors, White Chocolate black tea, Rasperry White tea and Jasmine Green tea.

Upcoming reviews: Purelygreat Natural Deoderant, Hempz Body Lotions and Jif Almond Butter!!