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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Starbucks Kcups... Coffee with VitB!?


That's right, Starbucks made a coffee with Essential Vitamins, threw it in a recyclable K-Cup and sent it out into the world to fill your morning mug with fresh brewed medium roasted wake up juice. 

I had never heard of this type of coffee, with B-Vitamins in the brew to enhance the pick up each cup would give a person.   

I personally love B-12 as my favorite energizing vitamin supplement to help me focus when I need to be on the move.  No need for an energy drink, shot or coffee when you can give your body a boost to help it run at its best instead of stressing it out.

So when I got the chance to sample a cup, I was all in and very excited.   As a coffee enthusiast and a mom of three small children, all doing virtual learning and a house that needs more cleaning and more meals to be made then normal.... Yeah, I was very impatient to see if this coffee would help my body reach peak efficiency.  So when my sample box came in from PINCHme the first thing I opened was my K-cup.

 First of all, the flavor was really good.   I will go get a Latte or Macchiato every so often, but at home I prefer just a black coffee and find Starbucks grounds to sometimes be a bit to harsh without all the flavor add-ins.  I have found that the extra caffeinated Madagascar vanilla K-cups have a good flavor that I can drink with just milk and no need for sugar, but other grounds and flavors I cannot drink without sweetening first.  So I do not usually drink Starbucks grounds at my house.  These cups however had a good flavor, not harsh and I was able to drink black smoothly.  I did add a touch of milk to help cool it off and start drinking right away.  

Now, flavor was good, I drank quickly and finished up my emails with an empty cup.  I got my samples mid day so I drank this cup after lunch and did not account for the extra boost it may give me.  I ended up finishing lunch dishes, doing two loads of laundry, pulling out furniture and cleaning out toys from under them, vacuuming all the carpets and even going out to mow the side yard once the air cooled a little.... and then after getting kids fed, bathed, in bed, dinner dishes done, myself bathed adn ready for bed..... I still had energy.   I could not get to sleep.  I wasn't tired, my body wasn't stressed, I wasn't frustratedly tossing and turning.  I just was still good to go.  So I turned on some music and ended up sorting through seasonal clothes since fall is on the way.  

Yes that sounds like a normal day for a mom... but I'm not normal.  I don't like doing it all in one day, I prefer to mow one day, do laundry the next, sort clothes another, deep clean living room the next, etc etc..  So for me to just, keep going and have natural motivation was really nice.   


All in all, I was really happy with this coffee.  I really want to buy a box and replace my second morning cup with it.  Keep my first a normal roast just for flavor and sipping while I wake up.  Then have a cup of this to kick me into gear and attack the day with gusto.

These are available at Walmart and Target or on Amazon.  Although Walmart is cheaper at $10.98 for 12 cups compared to Targets $11.99 for 12, if you are already going to be at target then i'm not sure if the $1 savings to go to Walmart would be worth it, that is up to you.  Amazon is a $52.75 price tag for a total of 60 pods in 6 boxes.  (down from the $67.62 is was listed at) So per cup price, Amazon is cheaper, but if you only want one box a month or storage is limited, maybe ordering from Walmart, the next cheapest, would be easier.  Again, all depends on you :)


  • Was smooth and good flavor
  • Even the most expensive box was still less than $1 a cup
  • Did help my body keep a steady energy
  • Only 10 calories when Black 

  • Drinking too late in day could cause sleep cycle upset
  • Must have a K-cup capable machine
  • Anyone who does't agree with Starbucks Company would have to swallow their pride to swallow this coffee

Would You Buy This?

    It is entirely possible that you would pass this by and get a regular coffee, a flavored one, or a cheaper brand.  A Coffee with Essential Vitamins one the box sounds like someone trying to sell you essential oils or throw some kind of spin on regular coffee just to sucker you into spending an extra few dollars.  Unless you really like B-12 like me, or have had someone praise this to you, I really think most people would pass on to a K-cup they already know and trust. 

Should You Buy This?

There are two questions you need to ask yourself.  Do I like Coffee and do I want a good level of energy instead of a rush and crash?  If the answer to those questions is yes... then YES go try these cups!   I know I will be buying a box myself.

We give this product a Green Light for coffee drinkers!
There is flavor, steady energy, no crash and just one cup is a good way to get your day started and keep you going. 

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