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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lets Get to Know Each Other Over Some Pasta.

I decided that for my first review (on this blog) a way to introduce myself to you, would be to review something small and cheap and easy.  That way you can get to know me before we tackle the hard products.

To start off, I have had several jobs in different areas of customer service, retail and food.  All but the last one were part time jobs as being a Mom and housewife has always been my number one priority. That being said, I cook.  I bake.  I decorate.  I experiment.  I succeed.  I burn.  I buy food related items all the way down from Dollar Tree all the way up to Pampered Chef, Tupperware to Walmart.   It doesn't matter where it comes from, as long as I can use it!

When it comes to draining my dishes: grease off of meat, water from pasta or setting veggies off to the side.... I Love my metal colander.  I mean it, that baby is amazing.  It's been with me for decades and never disappoints.  However, sometimes I am just making a quick side that doesn't call for me to need such a big drainer.  OR I may be in a hurry and don't have time to super clean every nuance of my metallic marvel.  AND in our last move, I lost some kitchen space therefore have begun to downsize some items.

What does this all have to do with a review?  Why that my dear friends, is simple.  All these factors lead to an impulse buy at Walmart.

A MainStays Red Crescent Pot Top Strainer.

I paid a whopping 99 cents for said strainer.  I normally avoid plastic in the kitchen, because I've had lots of things melt.  But for less then a dollar, who can argue.  I have since looked online and for some reason they are selling for $10+ on websites, even listed on Ebay for upwards of $23!  WOW, that a heck of a price difference, but okay, let me try this bad boy out.

  • First
    It is a very simple design, but you do have to hold on.  No pull over to the other side clips on this baby.  Small teeth on the pot side hold it steady, but you need to hold it ON to the pot.
    The picture on package shows one handed pouring, which may be possible, but all my pots and pans have rounded handles... No biggie.  I simply put this on at an angle, hold the handle of both strainer and pot with one hand, and use the tab on strainer to make sure it doesn't slide since I have an odd grip with my handle hand.

OBVIOUSLY I have already drained
water from noodles.  One handed
for picture only because I didn't have
help taking the picture :)
  • Second.
    This cleans a lot faster and easier than my amazing metal stand alone.  No bends, seams or rivets means a quick wipe on both sides, a quick check of the drain holes, and this baby is ready for the drying rack.
  • Third.
    While this seems like it would be hard, possibly spilling noodles, steam in the face, slip off the pot.  I have used it a few times, with different sized pots and noodles.  Never had an issue with spilling or steam in my face.  I have not used it for draining hot grease out of meat, because I rarely cook greasy meat, so have not yet had the chance.  But for me, I plan on using this baby purely for pasta and veggies to drain excess water from the pot.
  • Fourth.
    Size matters.  In this case, slim is good.  My first love, the dual handled silver strainer, takes up room.  That does not take away from my love of it, but it does come into play when some people are deciding between two products.  This strainer fits nicely on top of my spoons, in the drying rack, in a drawer, standing up slide between other cookware and laying down.

Finally, here are some things I CANNOT review about this product, and why.
  • I've already stated that I have rounded handles so I have to use the tab to hold onto my pot tops, so I cannot honestly say whether or not this handles well with only one hand.
  • I rarely cook with heavy fat meats anymore, so I am reviewing this as a water strainer only.  But even boiling, I have had no melting or weakening of the plastic.
  • I hand wash my cookware.  I do not use a dishwasher (mostly because I do not own one anymore).  The plastic seems sturdy enough that I probably would have let it go on bottom rack, but since I cannot test it, do not assume its okay.
  • Long Term usage.   I have only had this strainer for about a month.  I've used it about twice a week (we have kids who like mac and cheese).  So far so good, but I am not making promises that yours (or mine) will be able to stand the test of time like the metal stand alone colanders do.

SO.  Overall, on what I DO use this for, I am very pleased.  I am still unsure if I happened to catch a deal or sale, or if the other websites selling these are just buying out Walmart to upsell for profit, but for 99 cents, I am loving this new strainer.  

Would you buy it?  I don't think many 'professional' home cooks would.  They will want to shell out a little more for the pull over clip, fold away storage, metal clasps, etc etc etc.  Normal housewives may even over look it as cheaply made, because come on... its plastic.  

SHOULD you buy it? I think yes.  I think it is a quick tool, that is helpful and convenient.  
If you are going to be doing a pasta with veggies and need to drain more than one pot, you can use your stand alone and still use this for the other.    You could also drain your veggie water, do a quick rinse and then drain your noodles.  They can stay in the pot or you can go straight to the serving dish as you toss your slim strainer into the dirty dishes, where it takes up hardly any room or time to clean.

I say BUY IT! 
If you don't like it, you're out a dollar.
If you do like it... then you might come back to my blog!

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