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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Starbucks Kcups... Coffee with VitB!?


That's right, Starbucks made a coffee with Essential Vitamins, threw it in a recyclable K-Cup and sent it out into the world to fill your morning mug with fresh brewed medium roasted wake up juice. 

I had never heard of this type of coffee, with B-Vitamins in the brew to enhance the pick up each cup would give a person.   

I personally love B-12 as my favorite energizing vitamin supplement to help me focus when I need to be on the move.  No need for an energy drink, shot or coffee when you can give your body a boost to help it run at its best instead of stressing it out.

So when I got the chance to sample a cup, I was all in and very excited.   As a coffee enthusiast and a mom of three small children, all doing virtual learning and a house that needs more cleaning and more meals to be made then normal.... Yeah, I was very impatient to see if this coffee would help my body reach peak efficiency.  So when my sample box came in from PINCHme the first thing I opened was my K-cup.

 First of all, the flavor was really good.   I will go get a Latte or Macchiato every so often, but at home I prefer just a black coffee and find Starbucks grounds to sometimes be a bit to harsh without all the flavor add-ins.  I have found that the extra caffeinated Madagascar vanilla K-cups have a good flavor that I can drink with just milk and no need for sugar, but other grounds and flavors I cannot drink without sweetening first.  So I do not usually drink Starbucks grounds at my house.  These cups however had a good flavor, not harsh and I was able to drink black smoothly.  I did add a touch of milk to help cool it off and start drinking right away.  

Now, flavor was good, I drank quickly and finished up my emails with an empty cup.  I got my samples mid day so I drank this cup after lunch and did not account for the extra boost it may give me.  I ended up finishing lunch dishes, doing two loads of laundry, pulling out furniture and cleaning out toys from under them, vacuuming all the carpets and even going out to mow the side yard once the air cooled a little.... and then after getting kids fed, bathed, in bed, dinner dishes done, myself bathed adn ready for bed..... I still had energy.   I could not get to sleep.  I wasn't tired, my body wasn't stressed, I wasn't frustratedly tossing and turning.  I just was still good to go.  So I turned on some music and ended up sorting through seasonal clothes since fall is on the way.  

Yes that sounds like a normal day for a mom... but I'm not normal.  I don't like doing it all in one day, I prefer to mow one day, do laundry the next, sort clothes another, deep clean living room the next, etc etc..  So for me to just, keep going and have natural motivation was really nice.   


All in all, I was really happy with this coffee.  I really want to buy a box and replace my second morning cup with it.  Keep my first a normal roast just for flavor and sipping while I wake up.  Then have a cup of this to kick me into gear and attack the day with gusto.

These are available at Walmart and Target or on Amazon.  Although Walmart is cheaper at $10.98 for 12 cups compared to Targets $11.99 for 12, if you are already going to be at target then i'm not sure if the $1 savings to go to Walmart would be worth it, that is up to you.  Amazon is a $52.75 price tag for a total of 60 pods in 6 boxes.  (down from the $67.62 is was listed at) So per cup price, Amazon is cheaper, but if you only want one box a month or storage is limited, maybe ordering from Walmart, the next cheapest, would be easier.  Again, all depends on you :)


  • Was smooth and good flavor
  • Even the most expensive box was still less than $1 a cup
  • Did help my body keep a steady energy
  • Only 10 calories when Black 

  • Drinking too late in day could cause sleep cycle upset
  • Must have a K-cup capable machine
  • Anyone who does't agree with Starbucks Company would have to swallow their pride to swallow this coffee

Would You Buy This?

    It is entirely possible that you would pass this by and get a regular coffee, a flavored one, or a cheaper brand.  A Coffee with Essential Vitamins one the box sounds like someone trying to sell you essential oils or throw some kind of spin on regular coffee just to sucker you into spending an extra few dollars.  Unless you really like B-12 like me, or have had someone praise this to you, I really think most people would pass on to a K-cup they already know and trust. 

Should You Buy This?

There are two questions you need to ask yourself.  Do I like Coffee and do I want a good level of energy instead of a rush and crash?  If the answer to those questions is yes... then YES go try these cups!   I know I will be buying a box myself.

We give this product a Green Light for coffee drinkers!
There is flavor, steady energy, no crash and just one cup is a good way to get your day started and keep you going. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Natural Energy with V*Fusion by V8

#TFW the dishes from ONE meal
feel life a weeks worth
As a caffeine addict and Mom of 5 (plus a husband) I can use all the help I can get to keep up with everything :)   My entire life is, That Feeling When....

The claim of these V8 drinks is a more natural, long lasting energy combined with healthier fruit and vegetable juice.  A more health conscious energy drink without all the sugars, artificial colors or ummm taurine.  Now we know that he rumors surrounding taurine were a bit off putting and untrue, but it is still synthetically made in the big brand Energy drink franchises.  If you want healthy energy.... why put things that aren't natural in your body right?

Thank You BzzAgent!!
I #Gotitfree

I want to mention that I received these three V*Fusion cans from BzzAgent as part of a campaign to product test and spread the word about what they are.  I was CRAZY excited to be picked because I can drink a whole pot of coffee with a Red Bull chaser after lunch and still be waning by dinner time.  I got my Bzzagent box in the mail April 11th and happily saw THREE cans instead of the one I was expecting. YAY!  So after taking a few pictures for prosperity's sake, I cracked open my first can and took me a tentative gulp.

Loving the flavor AND the
I'll admit, I did not read any reviews before i tried them, because I like blind taste tests.... and I was a little thrown back..... because this is an energy drink that does NOT have bubbles.   It didn't even occur to me that I did not see carbonated anywhere on the cans, I just assumed that a skinny 8oz energy drink would be filled with tiny bubbles like Red bull.  Bad Me.  Pressuming that based on outer appearance.   I must be energy drink prejudice....

Second taste I downed a few solid mouthfuls and let the last roll on my tongue trying to appreciate the flavors.  I do NOT like V8.  The plain, basic V8 that makes people smack their forheads when they are leaning sideways halfway through the day....  (You remember those commercials)  I DO like the V8 smoothies, splash and fusion drinks.   I am happy to report that the peach mango followed in its predecessor and tastes like the fruit name suggests... and not of the tomatoes, carrots and potatoes that are also in it
Of the three flavors I got, I liked them all, but the Peach Mango was my favorite.  My hubby tried the Orange pineapple and said it was good.  the Pomegranate Blueberry was good, but I'm not a fan of blueberry so there's that.  I did however go and purchase six packs of the Black Cherry, Raspberry Vanilla and a six pack each of the Peach Mango and Orange Pineapple.  All were yummy in my book and I enjoyed having one mid morning for the little kick in the backside I needed to get my day going.

These drinks did not give me the energy of a toddler, or the insane sugary rush and crash that chugging and energy drink or taking a supplement can bring.
They did, however, give me a more focused and motivated energy.  I found myself moving from one task to another without having to think of what else needed to be done.  I had the energy to attack my dishes after cleaning up toddler lunch mess and still get to the play area without wariness.   We even spent a few days outside enjoying spring where I managed to weed eat our yard, have playtime with the kids and still have energy to clean the bedrooms when we went in instead of wanting to nap with them!  For me, that is a huge bonus.


  • WAY Less calories, sugars and carb's then brand name Energy drinks
  • Focused Energy instead of Jittery
  • Good Flavors
  • Affordably priced ($3.98 @ walmart for a 6pack)
  • Diet flavors available
  • 50% fruit and vegetable juice
  • Have to shake before drinking or flavor isn't right and there can be settling of heavier components
  • Small can, wanted more after serving was gone
  • Some days required a second can... but I also have those days with brand name energy drinks
Would You Buy This?
     Unless you are already a V8 enthusiast, it possible you would walk right past these drinks.  Energy drink customers would probably think its just another flavored tomato juice.  Juice drinkers might think an energy supplement in juice will taste awful.  I believe the majority of drink consumers will walk right past these in the energy aisle and maybe not even remember them. 

Should You Buy This?
     Yes.  At least once.  Pick a flavor that sounds yummist to you.  Grab it from the fridge after breakfast, shake it up, take a big gulp, get the flavor and appreciate it.  Then chug that drink and set off on your day.  If you don't like them, sorry for the bad recommendation, but I think that many of you will benefit from an extra serving of fruits and vegetables and enjoy the steady non jittery focus and boost these drinks offer.

We give this product a Green Light
Yes there are energy boosters out there that may make you 'go faster' or feel extreme, but these are a more natural and healthy alternative that are cheaper (six servings for the price of three servings of big brand energy).  

Next up is the aforementioned Curel Hydratherapy review.
Sorry we skipped the list, but the V8's were so good we started blogging right away :)  
Curel up next week!! 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Purely Great Natural Deoderant

Before life made me take a year off my blog, I received a free sample of PurelyGreat's Natural deodorant.  I used the "Try before you buy" feature back before you had to pay shipping, but you can still receive a small 7 day supply packet for $1.99 s&h.

I ordered this.
I did not receive this
 in exchange for review

I know deodorant. 
I have an annoying body chemistry that gives me stress sweat, odor and all sorts of random problems associated with the underarm area.  Yuck I know, but it means I have tried a LOT of different deos, antiperspirants and soaps meant to help.  When I found out there was an all natural deodorant company giving out free samples, I jumped on it!  My sample pack was a small tube of their Citrus cream female deodorant.  They have a full array of assorted bathroom necessities listed for order on their site though.

First off, this is a self applied cream.  This deo does not come with an applicator or in a push up dispenser.  Which if you are earth conscious, and I'm guessing you are if you want natural ingredients, is a plus.  Since you need to wash your hands during morning routine anyway it's not that big a deal.  The tubs come with a stir stick to mix up the cream to stop any separation of the essential oils from the soda and starch base.  If application without fingers is important to you, then a small craft stick, like a wax applicator, or makeup foam applicator would be fine.

Second, the scent I got was very nice.  After I applied it and started my day,  I kept noticing a pleasing scent.  I found myself inhaling when I had to raise my hands above my head.  It may sound odd to be sniffing ones armpits, but I did just that trying to figure out what fragrances they used.  I found it a very nice combination that left me feeling refreshed.

Thirdly, how dry did it actually keep me?  I noticed the dryness on my fingers first after applying.  I would keep my arms raised for a moment to make sure this dried completely.  This worked great the first day when I did light housework in a moderate temperature.  The second day though, I put it through the works.  Tackling heavy housework, spending time outside doing more strenuous chores and even throwing in an aerobic dance workout.  I didn't get wet sleeves or a horrid stench, but I personally felt like I needed to reapply.  I wasn't dripping sweat but I didn't feel as dry as before.  I didn't stink, but  also didn't smell the pleasing citrus anymore.    I have read other reviewers say they used this while rock climbing and mountain biking with no issues, so maybe it was just me.  However, my 'seven day' sample tube only lasted me four.

Fourth, this product is 100% natural if that is important to you.  To me, it is not a deal breaker, but it is something that may tip the scales to purchase it over something not natural.  Purelygreat as a company believes in a healthy lifestyle with a focus on wellness of families and what goes into their products.  They are Eco-conscious and active with the Canadian Breast cancer foundation, donating a portion of their sales to the cause.

Fifth thing to consider is PRICE.  First off, they have a risk free money back guarantee.  So if you aren't sure, buy their product and decide its not for you, then there are channels to get your money back.  If you get a name brand deo in a solid or gel from a department store, you may be paying anywhere from $3-5 for a month, maybe two depending on what brand and size you are getting.  Some of the bigger sticks can last people up to 6 months for a price of $5-8 and only used once a day.  This tub is a 2-3 month supply depending on the amount of applications and amount you use each time and will cost you $15 plus shipping ($8) at their site.  They also have a family pack- Four products for $45 with FREE shipping.  basically a Buy three get one free deal.
 *At the moment most deodorants are on sale for $12.99*
However you can also buy these deodorants on  for $9.99, Prime eligible.

Good Points:

  • Pleasing scent that lasts with light work, at least with citrus
  • Dryness can be felt quickly after application
  • 100% natural ingredients, natural soda and corn starch base
  • For small S&H you can get a sample to try before you commit to a bigger order
  • Even with bigger order company has Money Back guarantee
  • Minimal packaging
  • Eco and Health Conscious company

Not so good Points:
  • No applicator included if one would have been desired
  • Heavy sweaters may need to reapply during the day
  • A touch Pricey for the everyday consumer
  • After application, I felt the need to let air dry a moment before putting clothes on.

Now, Would  You Buy This?
  I think yes, many people looking for a Natural deodorant would purchase this brand at least once.  The company is family run, eco-conscious and isn't too expensive for consumers seeking a natural product.  The site is easy to navigate and product is available on Amazon for a lower price which makes it even more appealing to Eco-minded buyers.

But Should You Buy This?
  If you are just looking for a new deodorant to throw on really quick in the morning and need to save a few bucks, then No.... BUT
   If you are looking for a vegan product, care about natural ingredients and are wanting to support a smaller family company without the mega-corporation mindset.... then Yes.  This is a great product, I believe, among the multitude of All-Natural hygiene  necessities.

We give this product a Green Light.  
Yes there are cheaper deodorants out there, but if you are looking for more then a basic stick from a huge corporation then this is an item for you.  True to their name, these deodorants are  Purely Great, for the eco-conscious consumer.   

We personally went back to invisible solid sticks, for convenience and price.... {and the fact that I had a new deodorant to test and review come in the mail soon after this sample....}  But I have considered buying a tub of this to have available.  I think anyone who wants to try going natural with their household products will be happy with this purchase.

Please check out our sister review blogs for more products and opinions or the list of my other profiles and pages if you would like to know more about me.

NEXT REVIEW: Curel HydraTherepy wet skin Moisturizer.

Upcoming Reviews: Hempz body Lotions, HonestCo Newborn Diapers and SkinnyLife Metabolism supplements.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Year Off - Explained

You may have noticed that for almost an entire year there were no posts to this blog.  so soon after it was started, it may have seemed that the blog was a temporary hobby and dropped.

This is not true.  Here's what happened.

December of 2015 I was a proud mom of four and using my phone to update the blogs.

Between the December and January blogs, my p and I finally set a date.  I was so caught up in excitement I was late starting the January blog.  Part way through the month I noticed something else was late....  I figured it was just stress and excitement, because it would be impossible for me to be pregnant.  I had Filshie clips put on my tubes Jan 2015.  But my fiance made two pregnancy jokes even though he didn't know I was late.  It felt odd and set off all my warning alarms.

So that weekend, I ran to the store to grab wipes, snacks and decided to ease my mind, I would by the cheap 99 cent at home test.  Figuring once I saw the negative result, I would stop stressing and the nastiness of being female would start the next day.

No such luck.  I dropped a little pee on the stick, and before the third drop was finished soaking in or the control strip even wet, I had a positive result. 

 Mind Blown.
After tests at the hospital, it was determined that I was indeed pregnant
and baby was safe in utero, not ectopic

So now I was planning a wedding and dealing with my 5th pregnancy.  I was still reviewing, active on my buzzagent and pinchme.  But hadn't had time to sit down and write up my Purely Great natural deodorant review.  I used it, i took notes, but hadn't written it up....

Then my phone went swimming and I was without internet for a few months.

Now, almost a year since my last blog.....
Had my FIFTH kid.  My SECOND Tubal (cut and tied this time as the clips popped off) and am ready to start writing up my reviews proper again.

We had a Girl.  So now we can review girl, boy, all age kid and all grownup products.
Guess it was meant to be :)

Sorry the blog was inactive for so long.  But if anything, at least I can review something I never thought would be needed...

I would NOT recommend Filshie clip tubals unless you would like to have the possibility of children some day.  Clips and bands are reversible, but apparently, also just pop off sometimes.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Small Stash of Stash Tea

Stash Tea Sample Flavors
 I recently wrote Stash Tea and asked for a sample of their flavors in return for a review on this blog.. A short while later I received an envelope with four different tea bags. A White Chocolate Mocha Black tea, Wild Raspberry Hibiscus (Caffeine free) Herbal tea, Jasmine Blossom Green tea and a Spice Dragon Red Chai tea (also a Caffeine free Herbal tea).

White Chocolate Mocha
A yummy treat mid day 

Surprisingly the White Chocolate tea was opened and in boiling water before I could take a picture. It was as yummy as it sounds.

I had it mid day with jam on toast, and fulfilled my sweet tooth.   I don't know if I could drink it all day everyday, because I love my coffee and plain teas as well, But it is a definite treat and I'm sure would be a daily drinker for many people.

Loved this Flavor to Accompany
My Stir Fry and Rice meals.
Next I tried the Jasmine Green Tea with an Asian style homemade stir fry, because YES, I do prefer to drink teas with similar foods in my mind.  I am not big on jasmine flavors.  I've thrown away jasmine rice and scents before.   I did enjoy this tea though.  

It was a compliment to the food, and took me back to the many dinners where I requested hot GREEN tea instead of plain hot tea at Chinese restaurants.  Also of the few cups of tea I enjoyed during my trip to Korea and Japan.   

 Then I tried the Wild Raspberry Hibiscus Herbal tea, which was also caffeine free.  This.. I was sadly not happy with.  I was crazy hopeful because I love raspberries, but to me it was too tart and somehow had a sharp taste.  I don't know if it was the lemongrass or Hibiscus but something in the flavor was off for me.

Then Spice Dragon Red Chai.  We normally drink the plain Chai when we want something a little spicier then plain hot tea.  I was not disappointed with this variation.  Still tasted like a yummy spiced tea and was smooth in flavor. The scent alone was enough to make me think, 'Mmmmm yummy.'  Even without the Cardamon and other ingredients of plain Chai, this herbal Chai does an amazing job of capturing the flavor.

Overall, with all four of the random flavors I probably would have bought them myself.  Even though I would not have finished the Raspberry herbal, the other three flavors would have been drank to the last teabag.  I would have also gone back for more.

In this house, the Stash Tea Co is... Our cup of Tea.
Sorry, I had to do it at least once :)

Good Points
  •  Great company, with easy online ordering.
  •  Great tasting tea, in the flavors we liked.
  •  Wide variety of flavors and bag/loose leaf choices.
  •  Competitive and affordable prices with other teabag companies.

Cons or could not review
  • Hibiscus Raspberry flavor was a let down, which saddened me.  Really was excited to find a raspberry tea.
  • I only tried Teabags, so I could not review their Loose leaf tea.
  • I brew my tea properly with boiling water over the bag, so I cannot say how any microwaving or boiling with bag in water may effect the taste.
In our opinion,

Would You buy this?    Yes, I think so.  Most tea drinkers, if they aren't ectremely loyal to their own brand, would be interested in the different flavors available.  However I don't know how many would go online and find out all that are available.

SHOULD You buy this?   If you like tea, YES!  A good price tea, nice flavor and great selection.

So overall we give Stash Tea a GREEN LIGHT.  Even if you don't like tea, but want to have some sitting on a shelf for guests, this is a good tasting tea that will please.  

Please check out our Sister review blogs for more products and opinions.
There is also a list of my profiles over there if you would like to know me better

NEXT REVIEW:  Purely Great Natural Deoderant

Upcoming reviews:  Hempz Body Lotions, Jif almond Butter and Art Naturals Lush eyebrow and lash enhancer.

Friday, December 18, 2015

An Honest review of Honest Co Multipowder

 The Honest Co. is already a known COMPANY in many homes with children....or Jessica Alba fans.... But the individual products are still questionable to the every day Mom.

I have children and step children in the range of a 1 year old son to a 14 year old daughter.  So I have experience with many different scenarios and products in my home, including an under weight child, a Pediasure diet, allergies, a thyroid issue causing weight gain and picky, I mean PICKY eaters.

I was offered a free box of The Honest Co. Multipacks for Baby and Toddler.  The box contains 30 individual mixin packets of premium multi-vitamins.  Made in small batches, free of most allergens and ready to be mixed into liquid or food, cool not hot.  Since my toddler is off his Pediasure diet, but is still a very picky eater, I thought this would be a great thing to try and help.  I've read reviews saying almost anemic kids were helped with this and some other picky eaters liked it, so I was hopeful.  We broke open the box earlier this week, and here is our review.

 First, just to see, I mixed a packet with a cup of milk.  No added flavor.  My picky 2 year old took two big swallows and put the cup down with his eyebrows crunched together and shook his head.  His delicate palette knew right away something was in his milk.

One thing he does eat, all the time no matter what, is cereal.  So I used milk with a packet mixed in for his cereal.  He ate the whole bowl with no problem.   For a two year old he's supposed to get two packets a day.  I mixed a packet with juice later, and at first he was iffy about drinking it.  However after some more playing and getting thirsty, he finished his cup.

We tried it next as a mix-in on some dry food.  A trail mix type snack, he ate part of his snack then ran off.  He doesn't always finish so that may have just been him being done.  However when I offered him the bowl again, he took a handful and threw it on the floor.  GRRR Toddlers, but he was not going to eat another bite.

Now the 1 year old is not a picky eater.  In fact the only thing he hasn't liked so far was peeled raisins from his snack.  I gave him a cup of milk with a packet mixed in and he drank it no problem.  He also tried some of the dry snack, but he wasn't hungry so he only had a few pieces.  We are going to try mixing a packet into his oatmeal in the morning, but I'm sure he'll eat it just fine.  As I've said, HE's not picky.

I smelled the packets, and there is a strong scent so maybe the flavor is too strong for my picky eater.  I won't know though, because I did not taste the packet myself.  (Because I am also picky and don't like milk and didn't think it would be good in water.  Also because I don't know if we'll be getting these again and want to save them for the boys.)

A quick search on Google shopping brought up the prices for different sites where you can buy this same box.  All of them were just below or at $30.  The Honest Co. page for this was also $29.95.   BEFORE Tax and S/H...

We were lucky enough to get a prescription for the Pediasure, otherwise it would have been anywhere from $10-$13 for 6 bottles.  He was supposed to drink one a day, so it would have been about $60-$65 a month for those if we had to buy.  At $30 a box, and toddlers needing two packets a day, it will be about equal at $60 a month for the Honest Co. Multipacks.  However I don't think you will be able to find a way to get a prescription for these packets, so it will be out of pocket.

So on the good side...
  • The Honest Co. vitamin packets do offer you actual veggies, superfoods and probiotics.  
  • Individual packets that can be mixed into anything and small enough to go anywhere, even fast food soda while your out of the house.  Making it easier to sneak the vitamins into everyday.  Especially if your picky kid hates pills and won't chew gummies.
  • Free of Gluten, Soy, Yeast, Wheat, Casein, Gelatin, Sodium, Dairy, Eggs Shellfish AND without HFCS, Starch, Dyes, Preservatives or Artificial flavors.  Honest Co. vitamins are appealing to those with allergies, prefer organic or just don't like over processed foods.
  • Less likely for kids to get a sweet tooth then Pediasure and can be mixed into a drink they already like.

What you may not like...

  • Since you can't get a prescription, price may be an issue.  At $60 a month for toddlers, $30 a month for infants 6-12 months, you may prefer a cheaper vitamin if you aren't organic and allergen wary.
  • Strong scent and taste may put off the really sensitive taste buds of a super picky eater.
  • There is Iron in these, like almost all vitamins, so make sure you keep an eye on your childs iron intake to avoid overdose.

As with any vitamin, watch your child for reactions and inform your doctor your intent to introduce them.

Now, Would You Buy This?
 With the trend of organic and allergen free foods going strong, I think a good number of Mom's would buy this.  Having a Jessica Alba product is also a strong pull for many and may persuade someone on the fence to buy instead of pass.

Should You Buy This?  
 Honestly.... :)  This one will have to be a personal decision.  I do not know your individual child's needs or personality.  If you can afford it no problem, and your child is in need of an extra fruit, veggie and vitamin boost.  Yes, try a box at least.  See if it's for you and your family.  If your tight on funds, your child will eat chewables or gummies and you aren't as concerned with organic or allergens... then maybe you should pass.

We give these a Yellow Light.   It all comes down to your families food preferences and budget.   If you can afford that much a month, then these are a great match for you!  If a bottle of Flintstones is fine with your morals and easier on your pocketbook, then stick with what works for you.  

I like them, and we will see how it goes over the rest of the month.  But for us, with two kids, it would be a $90 a month buy because we'd need three boxes a month.  Looking at it that way, we would either give them less, or maybe switch to a cheaper vitamin.  We'll see how the picky eater does, maybe these will work for one but not the other.

Please check out our Sister review blogs for more products and opinions.  There is also a list of my profiles on the right over there if you would like to know more about me.

NEXT REVIEW: Stash Tea flavors, White Chocolate black tea, Rasperry White tea and Jasmine Green tea.

Upcoming reviews: Purelygreat Natural Deoderant, Hempz Body Lotions and Jif Almond Butter!!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Smelling the sweetness of Jewelry with Jackpot Candles

Got so excited when I
got my mail that day!
I wrote Jackpot Candles explaining this blog and they graciously agreed to send us a candle to review. Once we had type, scent and size down, I got my candle in FIVE days. So I received my candle free in return for this review, Bubble wrapped, lid separately wrapped, inside a box with a thank you note and coupon! I love quick efficient service :)

I picked a caramel coffee latte scent, and it smelled great when opened. We lit it around 6:30pm and two hours later there was less then an inch of melt along the top. There was a soft pleasing aroma wafting through the room and into the adjoining ones as well. I had to snuff the candle for the night and relight it the next day. Still slow burning even on the old melt. I love long lasting candles.

Loved this scent!  

I know what your waiting for though.... What kind of jewelry did I get? I opted for a ring candle and it took a few days to see the foil wrapped prize. Once the melt was down enough I went ahead and dug out my new ring on Thanksgiving. Why did I wait so long to review? Because quality on jewelry cannot be figured out in one day. I have worn my ring literally all day, everyday since I unwrapped it.

Stone is lighter in color then pic shows.
Still red, but a more Cherry/strawberry
and less cranberry in hue.
I received a very pretty red heart gem with two small CZ stones on the sides. Silver band with shaping accents on the bottom of the heart. I love it. I may have bought it myself if I had seen it in the store because its pretty, not too big and wouldn't be expensive. 
 That's right...
 I did NOT hit the jackpot. Pretty though it is... My ring was only appraised on site as a $15 piece.
I am still burning the candle, I am considering buying another or the wax tarts just because the smell is nice. I will still be wearing my ring, although the 24/7 trial is over. 
 After wearing it everyday, through laundry, diapers, dishes, pet baths, showers and cooking.... There is only one issue! There is a slight amount of wear on he silver fitting at the top of the heart gem.  Barely enough to see, I only noticed it because I was inspecting it for the review. I had no green finger, no irritation and the ring has no tarnishing.                                         

To sum up:

  • If you like jewelry, candles and a little bit of gambling anticipation, Jackpot Candles are definitely for you.  Nicely scented slow burning candle, with the fun of a scratch off jewelry store door prize.
  •  I liked the company customer service, the speed and packaging of the shipment and the quality of both products. 
  • Even the low range of jewelry was still good jewelry.  No tarnishing, greening of finger, no reaction, no stone falling out etc.

Just dug out the foil wrapped zip locked baggie that held my ring!
So.. Would You Buy This?   I think the only issue for everyday people would be price, but even with the $25 price tag, I see a lot of people wanting to buy them, so I think most people who are interested in Candles would probably end up buying at least one.

SHOULD You Buy This?  If your a girl who likes candles OR jewlry I think you should.  Even just once for the fun.  If it seems a bit pricey for you, just make sure you keep burning the candle even after you get your jewelry to get full value! Keep an eye out for sales if that tag is a bit much for you,. I will say also, that if you know someone who your having trouble buying a gift of these would be great!!

We say, Buy It.  
Even if you don't normally like candles, you can give them out as gifts.  
Put one in the bathroom, table centerpiece or even pull off the label and surprise a jewelry loving family or friend.